Angry Wife v1.0 APK - Apk Mina

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Angry Wife v1.0 APK

Battle the Angry Wife and save all your valuables before they are smashed!

Angry Wife
Can you battle the Angry Wife as she is hurling valuable objects at furniture at you? Try and calm her down by avoiding the dangerous heavy items and collecting the valuables, get to the top of the building in time and with enough objects and she just might forgive you. What did you do wrong? Well we could tell you but this isn't an 18 game.

Also features Zeemote support - don't have a Zeemote well we can help you there - check back on Google Play Feature section after the 17th May and get one for free from us - worth $29.99

  • High quality 2D and 3D graphics.
  • Sounds and music that will delight you.
  • 12 levels that increase in difficulty. 
  • Zeemote Support
  • No Ads
Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :

Download : 10Mb APK
Angry Wife v1.0 APK Reviewed by Lucky on 7:45 AM Rating: 5 Battle the Angry Wife and save all your valuables before they are smashed! Angry Wife v1.0 Can you battle the Angr...

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